
I saw a post yesterday where a number the people’s representatives were making a statement by wearing black to an interview in order to show their disapproval that the body did not pass legislation affirming that men could use a women’s restroom. Interestingly, in the group of approximately 25 people, I counted at least 14 women and 7 boys ranging in ages. Two women were chosen for the address. Herein lies a stumbling block in our country today.

As sound, rational people in our society today who votes for someone who makes such bold statements about social issues, makes such a declaratory action to the public about their personal agenda and then expects that their outrage should move me to support their ill place demonstration. Is this group really a representation of our society, the people that elected them or the direction that most of us think we should go. To me it is a scary thought that 14 “adult” women think that it is a good idea for the neighborhood boys to use their daughter’s toilet. I think there is a real disconnect here.

This is real hate. When a society looses it’s regard for little girls, it’s all but done. When adult women are encouraging pedophilia against their friend’s daughter in public places all is lost. Forget about the 7 boy in that room, they have been useless all of their lives, they will never stand up for not one victim anywhere. They will support these women most likely because they are the predators who want this most! As a society, little girls are our most prized possession.They represent the hope of a brighter and more prosperous future. Real men expect their sons to grow into men and be their comrades in arms meant to die on the battlefield of good and evil. Their little girls they expect to remain at home learning to love an nurture their grandchildren for that rosy future described. This incredibly even balance is not only crucial to our existence it is fundamental. Today we see so called women of war, out there fighting for our rights, fighting for our country…… Fighting for what is our undoing. If women aren’t teaching our little girls to be the hope of our future then who is, she can’t learn it from a warrior, she can’t learn if from a pervert and she sure as hell won’t learn if from a predator!

These women are not of a certainty looking out for anyone’s best interest but their own. They’ve founded a gang and rage on society forcing their way where they can seeking their own 5 minutes of fame, but what damage they do whilst not where they should be is the true crime. They will be found out and routed. They will only last for a moment in the spot light. The vacuum they leave at home is truly a tragedy.

Thomas Jefferson had an interaction with a fellow about our press, it went like this. “Baron Humboldt asked Jefferson, ‘Why are these libels allowed? Why is not this libelous journal suppressed, or its editor at least, fined and imprisoned?’ The question gave Jefferson a perfect opening. ‘Put that paper in your pocket, Baron, and should you hear the reality of our liberty, the freedom of our press, questioned, show this paper, and tell where you found it.” Jefferson’s point was he will be taken care of by the reasonableness of our free society, the thoughtful manner of real men. This journalist would gain no traction in his minds eye knowing his fellow countrymen. This is still true today, it still works the same way.

This phase of society is just that a season, one that has been coming since before summer started. Autumn and winter always come, there’s no stopping it. I think the real question is what you make of the summer. As good men we should be working hard to put up great stores and make ready for the coming winter and war. Throughout the ages good times have made soft men and soft men make hard times and hard times make good men and so the cycle repeats. It seems that its something like a 75 year turnaround. 1777 the first world war (America, England, Spain, France, Italy) roughly seventy-five years later the American civil war, roughly seventy-five years later the next world war (same conflagrants but add Germany). I don’t count what we call WWII as it is leftover business from the Big War that America did not handle properly, just like just about every altercation we’ve been in since the beginning. I’m pondering Desert Storm or Iraqi Freedom to be included in our 75 year cycle but things are still brewing. We shall see, but I digress.

Men if you can see the slightest bit of my diatribe here today, be a man worthy of the calling and stand for something good in your world now that will live for eternity. Love your daughter teach her to be a hope for our future, teach your son to be a man who will die to protect that eventuality. More than ever we need you going into this coming autumn so that when winter hits we will be prepared. Let the words of Aron Tippin ring in your ear, “you’ve got to stand for something or you will fall for anything.”

Ladies, and I do mean ladies. Good men need ladies, women who want to be women, women who want their daughters to be ladies looking for good men. I differentiate because any girl can become a women but only certain girls will become a lady that a certain man will love. Help us all by deciding to be that lady who saves our future.

Aside form doing your part at home until the winter war arrives is to vote. I give you a novel idea: Vote, Vote, Vote and pick a NEW person every time you vote, anyone except the one there now. The only thing that is going to end the over reaching government besides a war is the lack of continuity in representation so that no one can be bought or sold long enough to make a difference. Our country will survive without them going, we don’t really need them. Try this experiment with me and see what comes of it. We can always put them right back in at a later point, they’re not going anywhere but home.

Men go and walk into every room like God himself sent you, ladies encourage your man to be that person!

Have a great day,


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