
As a question I’m hoping to provoke your interest in questioning each and every ‘alarm” present in your life. Why? Good question and a good start to questioning! I recently watch a video on the climate alarm. Whether or not you believe in such a problem is not relative to that which I am asking you to consider, but did provoke this concept on my part.

I have a question for you to consider, “does an alarm dictate an attitude of fear, grave concern or feeling of imminent doom”. As an example, we all likely remember having nuclear siren drills where we hid under our desks at school or fire alarms where we were all got up and went outside to practice a fire scenario. This (‘coached, instructed, programmed, taught, etc’) idea that we should immediately take on a sense of urgency, high concern for danger, worry about difficult and scary events, be fearful of pending doom, I could go on and on with psychological idioms trying to define the outcome of such an experience. How much of this behavioral training lives on in our everyday lives that are subliminally triggered by the simplest idea of an “alarm”? Enter my big question; “is there a really good reason to be overly concerned with impending doom”?

In reality; statistically anyhow, we will all likely live to be a ripe old age. The numbers of us who will come to such great doom even as great as death is the smallest number of us. We now live far longer and better than any previous group of human beings ever. If we want to we live inside of a warm house, eat at least something everyday of every week, have multiple changes of clothing and likely have more than one automobile. How bad can your life really get? Really? What does a catastrophe look like anymore? Your phone won’t connect like it should? Your computer won’ start fast enough? The supermarket quick carrying your favorite wine? You got a flat tire?

Yeah! On your car you big whiner! Your car! You big whiner! You have a car, what do you have to complain about? What calamity is there that will over come you and consume you? Let’s say you loose it all and go bankrupt? Bummer I am sure, maybe more than a bummer. Likely.

But will you end up starving, highly unlikely. Your prospects for a job have never been better with all of the jobs going unfilled. Housing is difficult but not impossible. You won’t be living is a mud or tiki hut to get out of the elements. You know this to be true, there is far more help available for people here than anywhere. You have far more opportunity than anywhere. Not to mention that all most anything you need aside from food is free for the taking. Wonder around to any yard sale nearing its end and you can haul away all sorts of treasure, just to save the man from having to haul it off himself. If not for free then for pennies.

I think we need to keep in perspective a few things here. First a get a real grasp on how bad can it really get? Comparatively, no where near as bad as it is for most people on this planet in their regular everyday lives. Secondly, how incapable are you of handling adversity? Are you really that soft and whimpy that you couldn’t muster up going to a job tomorrow to fix the mess you made? Will you really just give up? You might as well do that now and be done. Thirdly, are the alarms we hear almost daily any more, worthy of our consideration? Economy, climate, alternative lifestyle rights, war, human atrocities? These are the ones we are inundated with most every day if we are connected to the media. As for all of these what is it that you can actually do about them? The smallest part. Donate to a cause. Elect ethical people to enact legislation. Not be discriminating. This is the sum total.

But what is the best we can do? I believe the best we can do is to not be so alarmed about it all. Tomorrow will likely come to most all of us. Many days in fact and we should recognize this and act accordingly. Do what you can in your everyday planning to be here for some time to come. Not be so concern for those things outside or your sphere. Stop getting triggered every time someone pulls an alarm and look for the fire and a hose. You over comer you!!!

Have a great day,


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