Hello and welcome to The Network.

Mission: To organize small business owners around our principles and beliefs.

We believe: What has made America great is the freedom of it’s people to live and do business in a way that is harmonious in their communities as they and they’re neighbors see it! The essence of our spirit is Do to others as you would have done to you and help a neighbor who needs it!

As a small business owner (SBO) and a fellow American I am reminded everyday the struggle to make things work out for my family and my community. I feel the pain of the regulations, the wasting of my time and the ever growing mountain of things to do so I don’t get my hand slapped. I’ve estimated that the burden of government is wasting about 20% of my time and taking 30-40% of my money. I believe as SBOs we can organize our efforts and reduce this burden to a much more reasonable rate. In this day and age big business and government have become almost one and we need to step it up to compete on the world stage.


To build an active network of SBOs who will actively support each other by being a “Be local – Buy local” person. When you can, throughout your life and business, buy local knowing it keeps the money in your community and makes it come back around more easily. A wealthier community makes you wealthier. If not buying local to yourself; buying from a local like yourself in another neighborhood instead of buying from the globalist network dominators.

To build a Network of resources that will help each member to do better in their businesses, a team of people who are available everyday to assist members with their business problems, implement idea, network resources and teach you how to get your business in front of your customers in this ever thickening noise.

To build an Information library available 24/7 that you can teach yourself for free about what you need. Have trainers and coaches available to give you personal help should you need it. Inform others of common problems we face and how to handle them and make solutions. Teach SBOs how to vote their businesses.

Consumer Reports decided long ago to review products and give that information to it’s readers to help them make decisions. We intend to do similarly for SBO’s, give them business information they need, give them voting information they need, give them connections that they are struggling to make, help new entrepreneurs understand how to get into business and give all businesses the tools they need stay in business and be successful.

My name is Greg Berdar. The spirit of an entrepreneur lives within me heartily. I started my first business in 1990, a second one in 1996 (which is still going today) and many more since then. I’ve done well for myself, by my own opinion of course, but that is the great thing about America, it’s my life and I’m entitled to it. I don’t need some bureaucrat telling what’s right, what to think, how my community is, what’s good for me or defending me. I’m an American and I’ll stand up for myself along with my neighbors without the control freaks. Join me today won’t you? It’s a good fight!

“Be Americans. Let there be no sectionalism, no North, South, East or West. You are all dependent on one another and should be one in union. In one word, be a nation. Be Americans, and be true to yourselves.”

— George Washington – the would be king who believed in our cause.

Have a great day and live your life to its fullest,

Greg Berdar

Remember: Some gave all for us to be here and have this life, if all give some, we can keep it!