My wife and I were discussing the operating parameters of our farm store, in particular the seasonal nature and when to open and close. Her perspective was more along the lines of what she, personally, got from being involved. I on the other hand am always looking to figure out how this thing can give …
Author Archives: Greg
Rich vs Wealthy
I was reading some statistics from research done by the Ramsey organization about American millionaires this morning. Presently there are approximately 22 million millionaires in the good ole US of A. Seemingly, the “largest study of millionaires conducted”. Ramsey states that upon surveying 10 thousand participants they found 8 out of 10 of these folks …
Commitment like Cortez
As an SBO the one thing of which I am keenly aware is that being successful in business takes a serious level of commitment! Without commitment, a deep rooted sentiment of redeeming quality and value with transcendent intentions, a business idea is nothing more than a waste of time. There are many obstacles, distractions, previous …
Now, this is a word with which I really struggle, saying it, but also the idea of it’s value to other people. I’ve never been a quiescent person. On the contrary I’ve been a hit the ground running person. I’ve never believed in wasting one minute getting started. Perhaps you’re the same way, “there’s no …
Am I Learning?
I mean, I think so? It’s hard to say anymore, you know, I get into things and next thing you know, there I am again saying, “Now that was genius, why did you do that again.” I guess, if you don’t succeed try again. Perhaps you all have had a similar experience recently. I say …
Glimpse of CoVid
I try not to be a conspiracy theorist, I try not to think that there are groups of people out there systematically attempting to take over the world through manipulation and subversion; but then I think, how stupid of me to think it isn’t so. I mean, Alexander try as he may to take over …
America? Special?
You damn right!!! The world is what it is because of US! Pun intended. If America is not special then why do people throng to be here? They have a chance to live in Mexico before they come here. I’ve been there many a time and most people there live much as we do here, …
Fear Mongering
Good morning people! I wish you well today! Fear mongers. Here is something at which I think we should look hard. As American’s we tend to look at other’s with an altruistic view. That most people are good and decent enough. Those who would do bad things are the few or the exception. Over the …
Is it really “Free”!
Today’s message is what I think is probably the most important topic next to becoming a student of life. You’ve likely heard it said, “home of the free and land of the brave” especially if you’re over forty-ish. This was something special about this place when I was growing up. One of the reasons I …
“Be a Student”, he said.
Hello, America! I hope this finds you doing well! As I sit here to write, thinking of what message I want get across to you, I first think of why we’re here doing and organizing POPs. But, what I think is even more appropriate is how I got here in the first place. A long, …