Is it really “Free”!

Today’s message is what I think is probably the most important topic next to becoming a student of life. You’ve likely heard it said, “home of the free and land of the brave” especially if you’re over forty-ish. This was something special about this place when I was growing up. One of the reasons I was willing to join the Marine Corps, stand up for this country and contribute!

I think it was best said this way, “all gave some and some gave all”. For those who gave some like myself or even that guy who gave a leg or an arm, gave far less than those who gave all for the sake of the rest of us. The cost of freedom is not free by a long stretch and for those of you who gave nothing for it ought to be that much more appreciative of what was bought! So often I hear the one who gave nothing talking about what someone else ought not to have or do. You shouldn’t drive ninety miles an hour because you’ll hurt someone or you don’t need a gun so there’s no reason for you to have it or fossil fuels are bad for the environment so you should be put out of work to save it.

These are just a few of the things I hear from those who gave nothing, who get together and bully others into submission. Reason has gone out the window and the mob rule is taking over. The mantra is, get yourself a mob and start taking control of what you can. Get a cause and rally those with no vested interest and commandeer others lives. To hell with his freedom, give me what I want or we’ll throw a fit!

Let’s see if we can introduce a bit of reason to this equation, let’s see if we can get a few people to listen and think about what made the opportunity for them to be this way and see if we can get them to appreciate the opportunity that is presented and do something more constructive.

Let me first paint a picture of your rights. They are inalienable. Which means they are not able to be separated from YOU. The Constitution and all of our foundational documents and their amendments do not provide rights to you, they simply spell out what they are so that we each have an understanding, contract with each other. The basis of all Law, a contract! This is perverted constantly by those who would seek to lord over you. If another person has better understanding of the system than you, he can use the system against you in your ignorance or simply by you allowing it to happen. If someone does something to you and you allow it, legal or not it does exist. This is how our system functions daily.

Your Rights are yours and it is up to you to defend them, no one else will! It’s all about you allowing it or being clueless! To make my point I am going to be extreme in my example of what it means to be truly FREE. If you want to smoke crack in your basement and it has no direct impact on another person (meaning it harms them in no way) then that is your business not mine nor anyone else’s! If it kills you that is your business. If you lack the discipline for moderation that’s your problem. “Well” some would say, no someone has to pull the body, transport and dispose. That comes at a cost and we should stop that from happening. Those people got together and said let’s make crack illegal to stop people from dealing, selling and using. Let’s make a police force to go around knocking busting doors and knocking heads to force people to stop doing it. This is what we do today at a far greater cost than the acts themselves. And now we have people who have been doing this so long that they believe what they do is in your best interest and necessary for your well being.

Freedom is not Free. People must die to pay for it! Whether it is by the blood of tyrants, war or a needle. People need to see that being free is expensive at the least but most certainly valuable enough to want to live a grand life knowing the costs! Be free, help others to be free and realize that the blood of those who died defines the value of life and that if all life is preserved it has no value. Who lives and dies is not up to us together but each of us individually. It’s my life to live, let me live it! You….go live yours!

Have a great day and be a great person to someone else,


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