Glimpse of CoVid

I try not to be a conspiracy theorist, I try not to think that there are groups of people out there systematically attempting to take over the world through manipulation and subversion; but then I think, how stupid of me to think it isn’t so. I mean, Alexander try as he may to take over the world only had limited influence and resources, Temujin the Great Kahn of the Mongols was hell bent on that same glory, he’s quite famous for it. We don’t have to look too far back to see that there are any number of narcissistic individuals in this category. Hitler, Mussolini and Hirohito; emperor of Japan who by imperial decree proliferated bacteriological and biological weapons.

What limited these people in their abilities to succeed? I would say, influence and resources. They could only get so many people to help them with their plan and the human resources could only go so far. It is also clear to see how the majority was willing to accept and allow it to be. Had they succeeded with their evil plan, eventually one would have devoured the others. Evil always does, then itself.

Today we have a much different world, a much different people, a much different attitude. People willingly defend the “purple koolaid”. My glimpse of Covid is either one of hysteria or an evil plan, maybe both. It’s hard to know what’s going on in your own town let alone the stories from afar. But here’s was I do see. The CDC lists the cause of deaths for each year. They’re terrible at it by the way, but I won’t get started with that. In any case there were some 300,000 people, not that I wish disrespect to anyone one of the lives now gone but to be specific about the number seems to be difficult data to present. One would think that a quick search of 2020 covid deaths in US would give you an exact number, but sadly no. Why? I can type in population of Pennsylvania and in the search results get the exact number that was tabulated during that self same year??? Seems bizarre to me. I go to the CDC website and information is all over the place, presented in 1,000 different ways. Almost impossible to find contiguous data stream as it has been for so many years. Why?

I don’t know. But when I look at what this country went through for less than one percent of the population I wonder a lot! Sicknesses come, they always have. Do our best is all we can do. We definitely didn’t. I think that there are a few government types who lead on these things and there are 2, 191, 000 followers employed under them. That’s a lot of help with a bad plan and all the plan needs to get anywhere is sound reasonable enough.

One thing I understand about government is that if there is a person who doesn’t want to work too hard they get a government job. Not to say that if you work for the government you don’t work hard, but 90% of you don’t! It’s to say that the least applied workers are in government and there is toooo many of them. I think Covid proved that they could do less, get paid more and get more of their kind to come and be a part of it. I think this is what we are seeing here and that the rest of us can get along without most them at work!

Our government is full of those that want more for doing less, when they already out earn their fellow Americans by on average approximately 30 percent, then when you include holiday pay and benefits the percentage goes skyrocketing. If you think this group isn’t trying to take over our lives consider this, why would anyone who has it better than the rest give up a really nice life, especially if they are not too concerned about their countrymen. Just like Hitler’s generals, they will go along for their own benefits. Not to say our government employees are Nazis, heavens no, but that human nature is for self. That’s why I believe our founding fathers are rare individuals.

To sum up my treatise, looking at our government they are not colluding but sure are cooperating and more importantly are mostly not necessary! Looking at others I see a stark contrast between the likes of Elon Musk and Bill Gates or George Soros types. I do believe we have modern day Hirohitos. I do believe that there are Hitler types who are attempting and planning wars on humanity. There always has been how could in not be now. The question isn’t are there conspiracy theories but who are the conspirators? We know they exist because they always have! And we never realize them until it’s late.

Don’t be discouraged! Good people make for great living!!!

Be good, live great and love a neighbor,


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